
Container Management Tool

Empower users with seamless web application management through an intuitive interface crafted with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Leveraging Docker Container Management Tools, this solution integrates Linux and Container Command platforms, streamlining operations for enhanced efficiency and control.


Technologies Used

  • Containerization Tool: Docker
  • Web Development Tool: HTML,CSS, JavaScript
  • Backend: Node.js, Express.js
  • Cloud: AWS – EC2 Instance (Web Hosting)
Project Description
For those unversed in Docker's functionality, this app serves as an invaluable guide, providing step-by-step assistance and simplifying the utilization process. With just a single click, users gain the ability to easily control Docker engines, initiating or halting services with unparalleled convenience.
Harnessing the power of Docker images, the application facilitates the rapid deployment of containers, offering a streamlined approach to packaging programs and preconfigured server environments. Containers are launched within seconds, operating within lightweight, isolated environments that consume minimal system resources.
Delving further into functionality, the application provides users with a comprehensive command shell, enabling seamless execution of system commands. From this centralized hub, users gain control over system commands, effortlessly navigating and managing their environment.
Moreover, Docker commands are seamlessly integrated into the application, enabling users to specify container names and execute desired commands efficiently. This level of accessibility grants users the ability to access and manipulate system files with ease.


"Where innovation meets efficiency, empowering seamless deployment and agile scalability in the digital landscape"